

Beyond the Black River

Originally published in Weird Tales, May and June 1935.

The Black Stranger

First published in Fantasy Magazine volume 1, issue 1, February 1953.

This story was rewritten by Howard as “Swords of the Red Brotherhood” with Conan replaced with Terence Vulmea.

This story was also rewritten by L. Sprague de Camp as “The Treasure of Tranicos” and first published in Conan the Usurper (Lancer, 1967).

The Devil in Iron

Originally published in Weird Tales, August 1934.

The Frost-Giant’s Daughter

The first version of this story was rewritten by Howard as a non-Conan story titled “The Frost-King’s Daughter” and originally published as “Gods of the North” in Fantasy Fan Volume 1 #7, March 1934.

Howard’s original typescript was rewritten by L. Sprague De Camp and first published in The Coming of Conan (Gnome Press, 1953).

Howard’s original version was first published in Rogues in the House, Donald M. Grant, 1976.


The Hour of the Dragon

Originally published in Weird Tales, December 1935 and January, February, March and April 1936.

Iron Shadows in the Moon

Originally published as “Shadows in the Moonlight” in Weird Tales, April 1934.

The Man-Eaters of Zamboula

Originally published as “Shadows in Zamboula” in Weird Tales, November 1935.

The People of the Black Circle

Originally published in Weird Tales, September, October and November 1934.

The Phoenix on the Sword

Originally published in Weird Tales, December 1932.

Queen of the Black Coast

Originally published in Weird Tales, May 1934.

Red Nails

Originally published in Weird Tales, July, August-September and October 1936.

Rogues in the House

Originally published in Weird Tales, January 1934.

The Servants of Bit-Yakin

Originally published as “Jewels of Gwahlur” in Weird Tales, March 1935.

The Tower of the Elephant

Originally published in Weird Tales, March 1933.

A Witch Shall Be Born

Originally published in Weird Tales, December 1934.



The Hyborian Age (essay)

First published in The Phantagraph, serialized over three issues, February, August & October 1936.