Originally published in Weird Tales, May and June 1935.
Conan the Berserker
The People of the Black Circle
Originally published in Weird Tales, September, October and November 1934.
The Pool of the Black One
Originally published in Weird Tales, October 1933.
Red Nails
Originally published in Weird Tales, July, August-September and October 1936.
The Servants of Bit-Yakin
Originally published as “Jewels of Gwahlur” in Weird Tales, March 1935.
Xuthal of the Dusk
Originally published as “The Slithering Shadow” in Weird Tales, September 1933.
Drums of Tombalku (fragment)
Completed by L. Sprague de Camp and published in Conan the Adventurer (Lancer, 1966). Original fragment first published in The Pool of the Black One (Donald M. Grant, 1986).