First published in King Kull (Lancer Books, 1967).
King Kull
The Cat and the Skull
First published in King Kull (Lancer Books, 1967) as “Delcardes’ Cat.”
Exile of Atlantis (untitled story)
First published in King Kull (Lancer Books, 1967).
Titled by Glenn Lord.
The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune
Originally published in Weird Tales, September 1929.
The Screaming Skull of Silence
First published in King Kull (Lancer Books, 1967) as “The Skull of Silence.”
The Shadow Kingdom
Originally published in Weird Tales, August 1929. First published Kull of Atlantis story.
The Striking of the Gong
First published in The Second Book of Robert E Howard (Zebra Books, 1976).
Swords of the Purple Kingdom
First published in King Kull (Lancer Books, 1967).
The King and the Oak
First published in Weird Tales, February 1939.
The Black City (fragment)
Completed by Lin Carter and first published as “Black Abyss” in King Kull (Lancer, 1967).
Original fragment first published in Kull (Bantam Books, 1978).
The Hyborian Age (essay)
First published in The Phantagraph, serialized over three issues, February, August & October 1936.
Untitled fragment (“Three men sat…”)
Completed by Lin Carter and first published as “Wizard and Warrior” in King Kull (Lancer, 1967).
Original fragment first published in Kull (Bantam Books, 1978).